How To Make Your Resume Stand Out

Improving CVs

With hundreds of people now applying for your dream job, it is important to ensure your resume stands out from the pack and that you get noticed by employers. 

Your resume is the first view any employer has of you and is one of the most important tools in the job application process. Look at it as a major driver of securing interviews and getting yourself noticed. 

So, how can you give yourself the best odds at getting an interview and an opportunity to seal the deal in person? Here are our tips to help you build the perfect resume. 

Keep it concise

Hiring managers don't need your life story - they receive tons of resumes and job applications on a regular basis, so they only want to see the most relevant information about you.

One of the most important things to look for on a resume is your target-driven accomplishments. Include numbers, numbers, and more numbers that demonstrate your efforts and hard work have generated results. Prove your worth.

Your skills are key

Chances are, you have more tangible skills than you may realise. Draw from past experiences and environments and think about how those moments prepared you for the job that you want. What skills (both technical and soft skills) do you have that can be transferred to the role? Soft skills such as collaboration, problem solving, and creativity can be highlighted as well as the technical skills you have gained in the past that this role now requires.

Review and list your skills carefully

Showcase your most relevant work experience. Don’t include every summer job or part-time job, as it’s important to focus on the most crucial skill-building moments in your experience thus far. Generally, 4-5 is plenty to list. If you’re applying for jobs with different functions, prepare different versions of your resume tailored to each role that you apply for. 

Pair it with a cover letter

A cover letter is a single-page letter that introduces you, highlights your relevant experiences and skills, clearly displays your interest in a specific job, and provides you with a chance to thank your future interviewer. Use your cover letter as your initial opportunity to impress a hiring manager. Provide insights into who you are as an employee and really dive into the unique skills that you can bring. 

Don’t forget to tailor each cover letter to the company you’re applying for. The cover letter needs to highlight your resume and give more detail so it reinforces your experience and qualifications.

Leverage LinkedIn

Many hiring managers will look online to get an understanding of you before they meet you. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and that your work history is current and that your profile headline and summary are adjusted for the type of work you're looking for.

It’s also important to choose a professional photo for your profile: a clear headshot with a simple background is usually a good start.

Clean up your social media

What do you find when you Google your first and last name? Many recruiters now use social networks to screen the professionalism of a candidate, and many search to discover their qualifications or determine if they’re a fit for the culture. Some recruiters have eliminated an applicant from consideration based on their online reputation and social media activity.

Overall, it’s vital to ensure that your resume and online presence stands out for all the right reasons. This means going above and beyond to make a strong first impression by thoroughly researching the company you’re applying to first and adapting your approach accordingly. If you need assistance with tailoring your resume or need to brush up on your interviewing skills, contact our team today for a confidential appointment to discuss your career plans.

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Job Search Tips
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