
Showing 14 results

Net Promoter Score: 2023 Adecco Annual Survey

Net Promoter Score: 2023 Adecco Annual Survey

Adecco breaks down the “Net Promoter Score” or "NPS" metric and why it matters to our business. What is NPS? NPS is an acronym for Net Promoter Score, a metric that Adecco uses to measure ...

The Importance of Nurturing New Talent

The Importance of Nurturing New Talent

Any good leader knows that organisations need talent to succeed in this ever-changing world of work. But once you have that talent, how do you retain it? And how can you ensure that those people driving ...

The benefits of an engaged workforce

The benefits of an engaged workforce

Employee engagement is defined as the emotional commitment each employee has to their work, their role, and the organisation. While culture represents the beliefs, values and practices that define ...

Post type
Employer Article
Filed under
Career Advice
Date published
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Adecco NZ
Adecco NZ

How to Drive Talent Attraction & Retention

How to Drive Talent Attraction & Retention

In his 2001 book, ‘Good to Great’, business management and company sustainability and growth consultant, Jim Collins likened hiring the right talent to ‘getting the right people on the bus’. He goes ...

Hire and Retain Gen Z Talent

Hire and Retain Gen Z Talent

The age of Generation Z entering the workforce is upon us. In 2020, 25% of the global workforce was comprised of these young, ambitious individuals. Employers are increasingly drawn to the energy and ...

The Art of Giving Feedback in the Workplace

The Art of Giving Feedback in the Workplace

There’s a reason why giving feedback is considered a delicate art. Constructive feedback can aid an employee’s learning, growth and development, while destructive feedback can decimate their self-esteem ...

Post type
Employer Article
Filed under
Career Advice
Date published
Date modified
Adecco NZ
Adecco NZ

How to run a successful virtual meeting

How to run a successful virtual meeting

Before the emergence of COVID-19, there was a growing need to include remote participants in meetings. Now two years on, virtual meetings have become the new norm. There are unique challenges in ...

Post type
Employer Article
Filed under
Career Advice
Date published
Date modified
Adecco NZ
Adecco NZ

Building Rapport and Showing Gratitude

Building Rapport and Showing Gratitude

I vividly remember as a child my Father thanking his apprentices at the end of every day for coming to work. I secretly laughed to myself thinking “Silly Dad, thanking them for coming to work – he ...

Post type
Employer Article
Filed under
Hiring & Recruiting
Date published
Date modified
Adecco NZ
Adecco NZ