Homeschool websites

Homeschool websites

We have put together a list of websites which you might find useful while you have the kids at home over the next 4+ weeks. We have gone with ones that are free and tried to stick to New Zealand based websites so they are relevant

Pobble 365. This website provides an image a day and has writing-based activities that go with the picture prompt.

This website has a range of literacy-based resources

This is a great website that provides news in kids speak and has a range of articles that interest children. They also have quizzes and activities that kids can do

Twinkle is an amazing resources bank which I pay an annual subscription to, but while this is all going on they have generously opened up a free 60 subscription for parents. These resources require printing mostly. (Free accounts created for parents) enter the code NZLTWINKLHELPS

A great website for topic related work and inquiry-based learning

Great website if your child is into computer science or coding. There are hour-long lessons and activities the kids can complete.

Scratch is also a great free website where the children can learn the basics of coding

The Ministry of Education has put together this website with links to other websites and places you can look for resources

Go noodle is a website full of movement and mindfulness videos that the kids love to do. These are great done together so you could bring these up on the tv and do as a famil

Cosmic Kids Yoga if you need the kids to have a brain break or do some exercise

Khan Academy is a great place for learning activities and help videos. It is especially good for maths strategies and step by step how-to guides for parents and children

If your child needs to work on their typing skills these two apps are good for teaching them how to touch type

Please feel free to share this with others who have children at home and need some ideas. 

Good luck everyone!

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